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Interactive Video:
– Martial Arts

Multicamera Video:
– Baseball

Multicamera Video:
 – Drummer

Multicamera Video:
 – Golfer

Spherical Video:
 – Pit Stop




Transforming the Video Experience

Multiview Interactive Video enables users to select camera view, control playback speed and direction, rewind and freeze frames, and delve into audio, text and Website links that appear in the video as hot spots. Hotspot links to advertising and Web content will add a new dimension of interactivity and immersiveness to online video and commerce.

The iMove system contains the following elements:

Multiview Production Studio. The Multiview Production Studio transforms conventional and spherical video content into Multiview Interactive Video. It also supplies the tools for adding interactivity such as embedded URLs, audio, text and other data elements. The Production Studio includes:

    • Multiview Video Builder
    • Multiview Interactivity Editor
    • Multiview Streaming Editor
    • Multiview Title Editor.

Additional features will include:

    • Enriched editing and control functions
    • Interfaces to major commercial video editing platforms
    • Interfaces for near-real-time production

Multiview Video Distribution. The iMove system includes technology for the hosting and streaming of Multiview Interactive Video.

MultiViewer. This iMove viewer supports Interactive, Multicamera, and Spherical videos. It is available for free download from the iMove Website.




iMove, iMove Video System, iMove Photo Suite, and iMove Computer Graphics Suite are trademarks of iMove, Inc. All other brand names and trademarks, marked or not marked are property of their respective owners. © Copyright 1999, iMove, Inc. All rights reserved.

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